The Ledger of Annabella O’Neil

Its 2135 AD, the first human colony is established on a planet named Terra Secundus. As the first independent human settlement on an exoplanet, the colonists are attempting to conceive and initiate a new culture, removing or altering Those constituents of our old culture that is believed to be deleterious and disruptive for a healthy, impartial and tolerance environment.

Leading the endeavor is Dr. Mani Saar, a polymath of mysterious prominence.

Annabella O’Neil became Dr. Saar’s assistance at the age of fifteen. This is her ledger, of all that she learned from this extraordinary man, during fifty years of fellowship.




The Giza Enigma

There are many mysteries about ancient Egypt. But perhaps the most enigmatic puzzle is the Great Pyramid. Established Egyptologists insist with fervor and uncommon zeal that it was built as a tomb by Khufu or Cheops, the fourth dynasty pharaoh who reigned about forty-five hundred years ago. No mummy has ever been found in any of the one hundred or so Egyptian pyramids so far discovered, particularly the Great Pyramid. There are no funerary hieroglyphics or paintings in the Great Pyramid. In-fact, there is not a single hieroglyph or painting within or without the whole structure. The mathematical and geometrical skills as well as advance precision engineering attest to an erudite company with capabilities far beyond what was available to ancient Egyptians.

Giza Enigma is an attempt to highlight the discrepancies and inconsistencies inherent in the assertion by the mainline Egyptologists who have, for the past century, vehemently maintained the “Tomb Theory”.




The Origins

There are many fundamental issues, whether scientific, cultural, religious, and even philosophical, that we accept as fact or truth, simply because our peers have done so.

Our peers have been wrong before. For two thousand years Euclidean geometry and geo-centricity was the absolute truth in scientific and religious communities. Law of some of these issues concern the origins of our domain. Origin of the universe, origin of life on earth, origin of Homo-sapiens, origin of what we categorize as civilization and origin of religion, particularly monotheistic religions.

The Origins has endeavored to investigate these five very fundamental issues, in simple and non-scientific language as far as conceivable. To most people, these subject matters have very little or no consequence in their daily lives, and for this reason they are not explored, nor merit any time contemplating. But they are so innate and engrained in our subconscious that most people must have pondered, reflected, or discussed one or more of these issues at least a few times in their lifetime. The remarkable fact is that despite their vital and elemental relevance, people simply accept and consent to what the authorities propagate. That maybe the most convenient approach, but none of the mainline theories, regardless of where they came from, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, The Pope, Carl Sagan, Steven Hawking or any other scientists, philosophers or religious authorities are simply theories, not proven and thus still mysteries worth investigating.

The book does not try to find answers. It simply investigates the flaws, inadequacies, and weaknesses in some of these theories and where possible, to explore other alternatives and options. The only purpose, and indeed hope in writing this book is to create a fertile domain in the mind of the readers, to ask question, albeit “The Right” questions.

“Where there is consciousness, there is doubt.”